Remember when I used to write so many poems about you? how did it make you feel? How many times did you read them? How many times did you look at them? or was it just a one time thing. Meaning; when someone gives you something special, you look and just put it somewhere else for a long time. Remember when I used to talk a lot and try to keep conversations alive? Remember when I used to tell you I love you? For some reason I can't do those things anymore, my heart has been broken way too many times, when I'm in this relationship. Sometimes I just want to leave, but at the same time I want to stay because I thought all the hard work I put through this relationship will be gone. Then I realized, I need to get over you. I need to not love you anymore, saying this or typing this breaks my heart. Nothing is improving, I'm sorry. I tried so hard to fix this relationship. I'm sorry, I can't talk to you about this. I need to let go, sometimes letting go is the best thing. I should give other guys a chance, and I just hope that the next guy will accept me for who I am, and the person will love me for me.
You were my first love, my first real kiss and my first everything. I won't ever forget you, because I was in love with you so much. I'm sorry if I didn't try hard enough